Monday, December 8, 2008

Where are you, Christmas?

It's finally starting to feel like Christmas to me. Not because people have turned their homes into colorful light displays, not because we've finally had a snowstorm (even though it didn't even stick), not because I'm sitting here watching the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, but because I have given my first Christmas gift of the season. It wasn't anything fancy--just a Christmas tree-scented candle for my friend whose favorite holiday is Christmas. He really wanted a tree but felt he doesn't have enough money for it this year. So then he wanted a tree-scented candle so he'd at least have the scent of the tree to provide some Christmas spirit, but felt like he couldn't even afford that. So I decided to take care of him.

Isn't giving what Christmas is all about? We celebrate the gift of something simple--a baby, whose life and death gave us something we cannot buy or earn for ourselves--hope and salvation.

So, if you have yet to find some Christmas spirit I suggest you try giving it to someone else. If you give, it will come.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three Cheers

...for Payless Shoe Source, that is. This weekend I found a pair of shoes in the top of my closet. Apparently, I bought them last fall and never wore them. They still had the tags on and the receipt (dated 10/22/07) in the box. Funny thing about this receipt--no return policy! So I thought I'd take my chances and stop by my local Payless while I was out and about. To make a long story short--they gave me a full refund! How great is that?!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Allow me to indulge... a moment of much-needed venting.

It's a fact of my life--I am short. I know that I'm short, I've always been short and I will always be short. I have been painfully aware of this fact for the majority of my 29+ years so I don't need anyone to remind me, point it out, tease about or rub in it, thank you very much. I certainly don't need you to state that fact in almost daily interactions, much less to say it as if I were a freak of nature or if there were something wrong with being short--because there's not, damn it! I could tease other people for being freakishly tall, or too skinny, or bald or flat-chested, but I don't. You know why? 'Cuz I know they can't change it--and it's not nice! I would like to state, for the record, that I am not a midget, so don't dare call me one. I am not a little person, handicapped, disabled, have a genetic oddity or am in any way deserving of ridicule or of being treated differently in any way. And please don't try to write off good things like my being more flexible or having a perfect center of balance to the fact that I am short. It's called I've been practising Yoga for at least an hour a week for over a year and anyone else who did the same would have great flexibility and balance, too! Honestly, sometimes I just wanna throttle people.

So, to all my family, friends and co-workers who appreciate me for who I am and not for my height or lack thereof--thank you. I feel slightly better now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who Knew?

You Are Pocahantas!

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Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Quirk Tag

I have been tagged by Kelsey

Link the person who tagged you. Mention the rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs
letting them know they have been tagged.
Quirk #1: Laundry
I rarely put my clean laundry away. I fold it and stack it in the laundry basket and wear it straight out of the basket.
Quirk #2: Sleeping Habits
I move around a lot when I sleep (changing positions) but you'd never know it by looking at my bedclothes. I keep them flat and spread out on top of me--I don't understand how people can sleep with the sheets and blankets all bunched up and twisted around them. So uncomfortable.
Quirk #3: Sleeping attire
I hate sleeping in nightgowns--they get all twisted and bunched up around my legs. I also hate to sleep in long sleeves. It's gotta be long flannel or cotton pj pants with a short sleeved t-shirt.
Quirk #4: Bread
I always cut my toast or sandwiches diagonally. Always have and probably always will.
Quirk #5: Fingernails
I keep my fingernails all the same length. It bugs me so much to have them all different lengths. If one of them breaks, I'll either superglue it to keep it long or cut all the others short and let them all grow back out together.
Quirk #6: Dirty dishes
I hate when dishes are left full of water/food in the sink (ugh! Stinky!)--or when there are dirty dishes all over the counter. Dump them out and then stack 'em in the sink--or stack them on the counter, just don't leave them sprawled out all over the place!

Friday, August 29, 2008

So Tired of Being Alone

...theme song for my life right now...hurry up and get here already!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Tricky Condition

So, we're having this competition at work called "Walk the Walk." It requires the participants to wear a pedometer during all waking hours. At the end of the contest the person who has taken the most steps wins. Simple, right? Well, a certain department in our company decided to actually read the instructions for the chinese-made pedometers and an hilarious letter was the result:

Wellness Team,

While we as a team have been dutifully wearing our pedometers in order to step in time, some questions have arisen as a result of a closer inspection of the “Operational Manual.”

This stepping meter can only count correctly under the flat plant.

As you may have noticed, there’s really not enough foliage around the building to stay under all the time in order to get correctly counted steps. While some of us have some houseplants around the office, carrying them around over our heads just to get pedometer points has resulted in some awkward and embarrassing situations. Additionally, mine may be broken because I think it occasionally counts steps when I’m not squarely positioned underneath any plants, flat or otherwise.

Under the following condition, the stepping meter can’t count correctly:
i. Moon walking, Wearing sandal
ii. When walking in the tricky condition
iii. Vibration without walking

Firstly (I like using first as an adverb), why the anti-moon walking discrimination? I, for one, don’t want to work for a company that discourages the act of moon walking as a legitimate form of intraoffice transportation. If the pedometer doesn’t work for people wearing sandals, then that’s just fine. We totally agree that there’s no need for hippies to get any more fit than absolutely necessary for them to live in their agri-commune and sleep in trees.

Second, as it relates to being in the tricky condition, does the pedometer rule out simply walking or is this expanded to include jogging, running, shuffling, cantering, loping, dance dance revolutioning, and any general ambulatory activity? We have emailed the Ministry of Silly Walks for clarification, but everyone knows they don’t spend much time in the office answering emails, so we could use some guidance on when one enters the tricky condition and whether sustained periods of trickiness are similarly excluded.

Finally, what are people doing with their pedometers when rule 2(iii) becomes necessary? Without jumping straight to the logical assumption that they are calling out construction street workers who specialize in jackhammering concrete, we feel that any other extracurricular, off-work-site personal activities that encourage cardiovascular vigor should have a place in any corporate wellness program.

The stepping meter can be reset by pressing “Reset” button.

Can we please get more clear instructions on the reset process instead of all the cryptic tech-speak? We’re accountants, not engineers, dag-na-bit.

Who knew accountants could be SO dang funny?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I am

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

p.s. I had my roomate, Katie, re-take this quiz for me a few days after this and it said I was Marianne Dashwood. Funny, the Facebook quiz said I was Fanny Price (hence, the reason I am currently reading Mansfield Park--to find out if they're even close to correct). I like to think I am a conglomeration of all the best traits of these heroines, alas, I probably have several of their flaws as well.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Kindness of Strangers

I frequently eat at Subway. Last time I was there the kid who rang up my order said "you have this many points on your Subway card. That's enough for a free 6-inch." So, today when I went there for lunch I thought, "I have enough points for a free 6-inch sandwich. I'm gonna use them and get lunch for free today," because, come on...who doesn't love free food?

I order my samdwich and get up to the register where I give the kid my card and say, "I believe there are enough points on here for a free 6-inch." The kid at the register swipes my card and informs me that I have 49 points and I need 50 points for the sandwich--I am only 1 point short! I am kinda confused at this point because I swear that the last kid who helped me said distinctly that I had enough points for a free sandwich. Nevertheless I pull out my debit card to just pay for the darn thing when a knight in shining armor swoops in on his noble steed to my rescue!

Well, actually he was wearing a blue button up and jeans and he was just the guy in line behind me, but all the same...what he did was pretty darn chivalrous. He said "why don't I pay for mine first and put the points on your card so you get your one more point?" (or something to that effect). I said, "really?! That is so nice!" And so he did. And I got my sandwich for free. And I was so flabbergasted at his kindness that all I could do was stand there in grateful awe and say "thank you" when if I my brain had been working properly I might have thought to say "thank you and here's my card" (as I give him one of my business cards that I have carried around for the last year just in case I needed one for something like this) and he might have called me up and we might have begun dating and then gotten married and had some cute little kids and a house with a yard and a dog...but none of that happened--I merely said "thank you"...and then he was gone forever. Sniff.

So to all of you who wonder where all the good guys are I say, they do exist! They are out there! They are timid creatures and rarely show themselves, so you've got to watch carefully--and keep a business card handy!

And Subway guy...if you're reading this...thanks again. You're my hero.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Pedicure Anyone?

A Fish Pedicure, that is...Your thoughts?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

She Got Me!

Emily tagged me...

Here are the rules: you link back to the person who tagged you, post the rules, & share 6 unimportant things about yourself. Then tag 6 people at the end of your post. Let the tagged people know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

Here goes:
1. I eat cereal at night
2. I love the airport because it's a great place to people-watch
3. I love to people-watch
4. I love babies' feet
5. I sing in the car at the top of my lungs
6. I'm shy, and if you think I'm not it's just because I pretend that I'm doesn't always work.

I tag Shane, Heidi, Stefanie Farnsworth, Stephanie Price, Reagan and Erin! You're it!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kids are so Funny

I like kids cuz they're funny. I don't have any of my own yet and the closest thing I have to neices and nephews, or "neiphews" as I like to call them, are my cousins' kids or my sister's in-laws (i.e. her husband, Andy's, younger siblings).

A few weekends ago we had a family reunion so I got to see all of said counsins and their little childrens. My cousin Merrilee's little boy Jimmy is my current favorite. The kid is about two and has the cutest mop of hair that grows straight down his forehead. Anyway, they've taught him to give a high-five, bump knuckles and shake hands--in that order! What a cool little dude.

Andy's younger brother is a treasure of messy dark hair, blue eyes and freckles. His name is Michael and he is 7 years old. Andy's sister Jenny is planning a trip to Mexico with some friends this summer. So, the whole brood was at Elitches (Formerly a Six Flags located in Denver) when Michael pulled his 19-year-old sister Jenny aside, put his little hand on her shoulder, and very seriously said "Jenny, if you're on your period when you're in Mexico don't go in the water because sharks are attracted to blood."
Still Michael: ok. So, let's have a quiz. If you're in Mexico and you're on your period and you're in the water what should you do?
Jenny: You should get out of the water and stay out of the water for the rest of the trip.
Michael: Right.
Resume amusement park activities.

Commence busting a gut--because that's what I did when I heard that story.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Yesterday as I was driving home from work I noticed something interesting about the woman in the car behind me. She was double-fisting it with a cigarette in one hand and a sucker in the other. I'll bet she also had a soda she was working on in her cupholder, too. Can you say "oral fixation"?

That's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It is SO good... have friends, at work, who will pig out on pizza with you at lunch. Feast your eyes on my gal pals...and Steve (He pretended he was embarrassed to be there, but we know he secretly loved it...After all, how many guys can say that they got to go out for all-you-can-eat pizza with a bajillion gorgeous ladies?)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


June 6-7, 2008 I participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life for the second year in a row. I must admit, I wasn't as enthusiastic about participating this year as I was last year--and I suspect my teammates may have noticed. But despite the cold and the wet and the horrendous KISS tribute band and the discomfort of sleeping on the ground in the midle of a track at a Junior High School I was glad to have been there.

The event always begins with a Survivor's Lap around the track. I don't remember noticing this before, but it was really eye-opening for me this year to see what a range of ages the survivors were--from very young children to senior citizens.

At 10 p.m. a video slideshow was presented which was made up of photos of participants and loved ones of participants--both survivors of cancer and those lost to cancer--interspersed with poems and song lyrics. Although I didn't submit any photos myself of family memebers who've had cancer I was really touched to think how much some of these people were missed--or how glad loved ones were that they were still around.

We spent the rest of the night taking turns walking/jogging around the Orem Junior High shcool track lined on either side by luminaries decorated in honor of or in memory of cancer survivors and victims.

...and visible from almost any spot on the track was this simple sign in made in the chainlink fence with plastic cups and battery operated tealights...

...reminding all that there is hope for a normal healthy life, for better treatment and cures thanks to the collective efforts of many ordinary individuals...
...for those who have lost the battle with cancer there is hope for reunion with family and loved ones, for a perfected body and freedom from illness through the sacrifice of One.

Monday, June 2, 2008

MIA no more

So I know I've been MIA from the blog scene for a while and I apologize to all of you who expectantly visit here hoping for some new and wonderful post from your's truly. I am back now and I vow to do better at upholding the blogger values and performing my blogger duties i.e. blogging about my day-to-day thoughts and experiences regularly.

The past several weeks have been pretty eventful--erego the lack of time to blog. Last Monday was my birthday--I happened to be home for a visit during the weekend so we celebrated a little early. Boy did I get a great birthday haul! Feast your eyes on these awesome gifts:
For my Private Stock, a box of cereal (I don't know why it's Fiber One), a new crepe pan (excellent!) and the piece de resistance...a pink Hello Kitty Eiffel Tower-shaped toothbrush holder (I don't know where my dad finds these things (we actually call them Dad Gifts), but let's say birthdays are always interesting at the Geurts house because of them--we just never know what Dad will find next).

...and then, Friday night I got one of the best things anyone's ever given me...drumroll please...or maybe violins would be more appropriate...

...ooh! Sparkly! Isn't it pretty?! So, yes I am now engaged. And, no, we haven't set a date yet, but it will be sometime in the fall. We're just taking it slow for now and enjoying the we have to get Scott moved here from Texas on top of the planning thing at a time. But it is pretty exciting isn't it? Pictures are forthcoming. I promise.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Location, location, location!

So, this is my new desk. I moved into it almost 2 weeks ago.

The desk is fine...except that I am constantly disrupted and, frankly, unsettled by people continually walking past behind me. You see, my new desk is on the end of an end row. Here, let me show you:

It's basically open to a heavily trafficed hallway. Very bad Feng Shui. So to remedy this I rigged my monitor up with a handy-dandy rearview mirror (courtesy of a kind co-worker who suffers the same plight).

Now if facilities would just do something about the ridiculously cold temperature in that particular spot maybe I could concentrate better and get some real work done!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Update Becca

I'm sorry. I know I need to update my blog. But I am simply without inspiration. How do you expect me to write without inspiration? But, I changed my template to a more unique and pretty design. That should at least count for something...right?

I will say this. I watched Conference this weekend, and, while I love and enjoy listening to our newly-sustained prophet, Thomas S. Monson, I realized how much I miss President Hinckley. I mean, I can't emember a conference when he didn't speak to us and it's just gonna take me a little while to get used to it. Do any of y'all feel that way? Maybe it's just me.

Anyway, more to come soon. I promise.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

From Frumpy Tuesday to Feelin' Sassy Thursday

It doesn't take much to make me happy...

Tuesday I was having a really frump-tastic day. I did not like what I was wearing, I didn't do anything to my hair that morning, and I just had a general case of the Blahs. Not even Yoga class cheered me up!

Today I feel quite the opposite. Maybe it's because:

1. When I got home Tuesday night this delightful little surprise was waiting for me...a card...from my big sister...

And it contained this notepad (she said that it screamed my name)...

Not only were these hilarious, totally me, and their arrival perfectly timed, but I love getting real mail--not bills, or ads, or credit card offers--real live mail.

2. Maybe it's because yesterday I had a 15-minute massage in the morning (compliments of my employer), and went to the tanning salon during lunch (I paid for that myself, but it was 50% off during lunch-time)

3. Maybe it's because I got one of the best compliments ever when I went out to pick up lunch today. I was at Subway and the young woman in line behind me said she loved my outfit and that it looked like something you'd see on What Not to Wear after the person is finished being made over. I couldn't believe it. It made me feel SO good. Stacey and Clinton would be proud.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Funny and not Forgotten

Allow me to introduce you to, or remind you of, a delightfully entertaining, yet extremely obscure Canadian TV program called The Red Green Show. This clip is just one example of this high-quality, side-splitting, family-friendly entertainment. Enjoy!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Life is a Classroom

Life is a giant classroom and these are some things I've learned recently:

  1. I have learned what "survivor's remorse" feels like

  2. Being a grown-up is not as much fun as you thought it would be when you were a kid (only sometimes it is)

  3. I think Hockey is still fun to watch even if my team loses miserably

  4. I love Sweet Awesome Wednesday and I am really grateful to be included in it

  5. I stink at playing the drums on Rock Band (even on the easiest setting)

  6. I do okay at playing bass guitar on Rock Band (if it's on the easy setting)

  7. I totally kick butt at lead singer on Rock Band (as long as I'm familiar with the song)

  8. I have wonderful relatives nearby for whom I am truly grateful

  9. There is almost nothing more touching than to hear a friend pray for you by name--especially when need prayers

  10. I do not deal well with large amounts of stress or change (okay, I already knew that, but unfortunately I've had a couple of downright unpleasant days to remind me of it)

  11. I have great friends who care enough to bring me flowers and my favorite carbonated beverage to cheer me up at 10:30 at night after they've worked all day themselves--for whom I am also very grateful

  12. Somehow my little sister always knows just when to call

  13. My siblings--especially my youngest brother--are always good for a laugh

  14. I need to remember that the Lord has always taken care of me in the past and trust that He will continue to do so now and in the future

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Platter Lickin' Good

A couple of months ago my roomies and I instituted a monthly "Roomate Dinner" to take place one Sunday each month. This past Sunday was my turn to cook said dinner. What a perfect opportunity, I said to myself, to try out a new recipe. Luckily, I have two roomates who are ready and willing guinea pigs. Happy surprise--the experiment was a big success!

Katie not only ate all of her Smokey Almond Chicken, but she finished the extra piece as well--right out of the casserole dish!

...and like Jack Sprat and his cuddly wife, she licked the platter clean so as not to let any of the BBQ goodness or smokey almond deliciousness go to waste!

I don't know why, maybe it's the nurturer in me, but it just warms the cockles of my lil' heart when people like my cooking.
By the way, Kate, you've got a little something...right...there...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

All I Wanna Do Is Dance...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow...

...shall keep me from that sweet, sweet nectar!
You all know how to tell the difference between Mormons and non-Mormons, don't you? By the temperature of their caffeine, of course!
And you know the poor saps who are addicted to the stuff will brave freezing temperatures and forge their way through snow storms at the risk of freezing their fingers off to obtain 32 oz. of invigorating, bubbly deliciousness at the neighborhood convenience store.
I am one of those poor saps--and I'm not ashamed to admit it! Cheers!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Bites

S.A.D. ... no, it's not Seasonal Affected's Singles' Awareness Day.

Valentine's Day makes me want to toss my heart-shaped cookies.

It helps a lot to have a sweet roomate who brought these beautiful flowers to me at work today...

...but it would be even better if I had a dog. (Click on the title to see why.)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Like the Weather

It's funny how quickly things change. I don't mean funny as in "ha, ha," it's more like funny as in "strange." A few days ago I was driving home from work and realized "it's still light out!" and it made me really happy.

Just this morning even, I was on my way to work and feeling grateful that I was driving to work on dry roads and didn't have to worry about slipping and sliding. I know, I know, it's a funny thing to be grateful for (I'll let you decide if it's funny "strange" or funny "ha, ha").

Then, today, we (in Utah Valley) were so lucky as to get yet another blizzard which caused white-out conditions, slippery roads and zero visibility which resulted in lots of car-wrecks. This is what I got to look at for the hour it took me to get home--it's only 15 minutes in normal conditions!

White, white and more white! Where is this crazy amount of snow coming from?! I thought we lived in Utah, which is a desert, not the Siberian tundra!

All I can say is "thank goodness I have my warm snuggly Emu boots!"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bite the Bullet

Alright, so, I'm finally biting the bullet--well, 2 bullets actually:

  • Bullet #1: Joining the blog-force

  • Bullet #2: Succumbing to the woolly-boots-that-look-like-slippers fad

The fact that you're reading this is example enough of #1--take a look at the picture below if you don't know what I'm talking about in #2 (but if you've been at all concious any time during the past few years you should have no problem whatsoever visualising this particular style of footwear).

I never wanted a pair of these because, to be honest, I don't think they're particularly attractive and I don't like to wear shoes that make my feet look fat (this is one reason for my aversion to tennis shoes). However, my dad gave a pair of Emu boots to my sister and I for Christmas. I had been keeping them tucked safely away in their not-so-little box with the intention of returning or exchanging them because I just wasn't quite cinvinced that they were the shoes for me. But I finally busted them out and wore them to work on Friday because:

1. I am too lazy to drive down to the sporting goods store that carries them

2. Wearing Emus to work is the closest I can get to going to work in my pj's

And, friends, I must admit, these not-so-attractive-yet-insanely-popular boots have won me over with their slipper-like comfort and their warm snuggliness. So much so, that I wore them all night at home until I got ready for bed Friday night (I never wear shoes in the house!), and all day Saturday--even with my skirt when I went to the Leadership Training broadcast Saturday night. Now that's Shoe Love.