Monday, September 22, 2008

Allow me to indulge... a moment of much-needed venting.

It's a fact of my life--I am short. I know that I'm short, I've always been short and I will always be short. I have been painfully aware of this fact for the majority of my 29+ years so I don't need anyone to remind me, point it out, tease about or rub in it, thank you very much. I certainly don't need you to state that fact in almost daily interactions, much less to say it as if I were a freak of nature or if there were something wrong with being short--because there's not, damn it! I could tease other people for being freakishly tall, or too skinny, or bald or flat-chested, but I don't. You know why? 'Cuz I know they can't change it--and it's not nice! I would like to state, for the record, that I am not a midget, so don't dare call me one. I am not a little person, handicapped, disabled, have a genetic oddity or am in any way deserving of ridicule or of being treated differently in any way. And please don't try to write off good things like my being more flexible or having a perfect center of balance to the fact that I am short. It's called I've been practising Yoga for at least an hour a week for over a year and anyone else who did the same would have great flexibility and balance, too! Honestly, sometimes I just wanna throttle people.

So, to all my family, friends and co-workers who appreciate me for who I am and not for my height or lack thereof--thank you. I feel slightly better now.


Preds Girl said...

Well said!

Kelsey K. Hartley said...

From 1 short person to another I laughed all the way through your rant and even more when you said,"Damn!"

Whahaha - still laughing.

I sure feel like a midget. Especially when trying on pants and the hem hangs a good 6-8 inches below my ankle. Looks funny. You know what I'm talking about.

And I know it's not fair but when I see a person who towers above me (including my Mike) I have to say, "You're tall" as if they're an anomaly. I sometimes even call him with, "Hey Tall guy." I even did this to strangers in the grocery store before I was married so they could get something down from a shelf for me. LOL I think this makes me a midget.

Pah-lease don't be mad at me for keeps!

candace said...

Becca, I am there with ya! Well said my dear! Why people think they need to do this to us, I just don't understand it. And yes, it gets old. Very very quickly.
(I know this is an older post... I don't have a lot of time to read anymore)