Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Like the Weather

It's funny how quickly things change. I don't mean funny as in "ha, ha," it's more like funny as in "strange." A few days ago I was driving home from work and realized "it's still light out!" and it made me really happy.

Just this morning even, I was on my way to work and feeling grateful that I was driving to work on dry roads and didn't have to worry about slipping and sliding. I know, I know, it's a funny thing to be grateful for (I'll let you decide if it's funny "strange" or funny "ha, ha").

Then, today, we (in Utah Valley) were so lucky as to get yet another blizzard which caused white-out conditions, slippery roads and zero visibility which resulted in lots of car-wrecks. This is what I got to look at for the hour it took me to get home--it's only 15 minutes in normal conditions!

White, white and more white! Where is this crazy amount of snow coming from?! I thought we lived in Utah, which is a desert, not the Siberian tundra!

All I can say is "thank goodness I have my warm snuggly Emu boots!"


Preds Girl said...

Yeah. I am sick to death of the snow. I know it is good for us in the future...water table and all. However, can't it just snow on the grass?? LOL. That would be much nicer. Then no one would get trapped on the road, or at school, or at work. Totally annoying.

I was supposed to go to a cooking class up near where you work...took an hour and a half to go 5 miles so we had to turn around and come back because the class was already half over-if they even still had the class. So sad.

reagan: said...

I thought I was going to die on the way home last night! UGH no more snow!!!!! Let's petition or something! Seriously, I cannot take this anymore!