Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kids are so Funny

I like kids cuz they're funny. I don't have any of my own yet and the closest thing I have to neices and nephews, or "neiphews" as I like to call them, are my cousins' kids or my sister's in-laws (i.e. her husband, Andy's, younger siblings).

A few weekends ago we had a family reunion so I got to see all of said counsins and their little childrens. My cousin Merrilee's little boy Jimmy is my current favorite. The kid is about two and has the cutest mop of hair that grows straight down his forehead. Anyway, they've taught him to give a high-five, bump knuckles and shake hands--in that order! What a cool little dude.

Andy's younger brother is a treasure of messy dark hair, blue eyes and freckles. His name is Michael and he is 7 years old. Andy's sister Jenny is planning a trip to Mexico with some friends this summer. So, the whole brood was at Elitches (Formerly a Six Flags located in Denver) when Michael pulled his 19-year-old sister Jenny aside, put his little hand on her shoulder, and very seriously said "Jenny, if you're on your period when you're in Mexico don't go in the water because sharks are attracted to blood."
Still Michael: ok. So, let's have a quiz. If you're in Mexico and you're on your period and you're in the water what should you do?
Jenny: You should get out of the water and stay out of the water for the rest of the trip.
Michael: Right.
Resume amusement park activities.

Commence busting a gut--because that's what I did when I heard that story.



Preds Girl said...

LOL!!! Kids ARE so funny! Thanks for sharing that story. I will remember that when I think about going in the ocean. (Which is not at all likely because I prefer to LOOK at the ocean...but still GREAT advice! LOL)

The UnMighty said...

Kids are funny. Especially when they're working in coal mines or sweat shops. They sure can work fast when they're hungry.