Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Yesterday as I was driving home from work I noticed something interesting about the woman in the car behind me. She was double-fisting it with a cigarette in one hand and a sucker in the other. I'll bet she also had a soda she was working on in her cupholder, too. Can you say "oral fixation"?

That's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It is SO good...

...to have friends, at work, who will pig out on pizza with you at lunch. Feast your eyes on my gal pals...and Steve (He pretended he was embarrassed to be there, but we know he secretly loved it...After all, how many guys can say that they got to go out for all-you-can-eat pizza with a bajillion gorgeous ladies?)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


June 6-7, 2008 I participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life for the second year in a row. I must admit, I wasn't as enthusiastic about participating this year as I was last year--and I suspect my teammates may have noticed. But despite the cold and the wet and the horrendous KISS tribute band and the discomfort of sleeping on the ground in the midle of a track at a Junior High School I was glad to have been there.

The event always begins with a Survivor's Lap around the track. I don't remember noticing this before, but it was really eye-opening for me this year to see what a range of ages the survivors were--from very young children to senior citizens.

At 10 p.m. a video slideshow was presented which was made up of photos of participants and loved ones of participants--both survivors of cancer and those lost to cancer--interspersed with poems and song lyrics. Although I didn't submit any photos myself of family memebers who've had cancer I was really touched to think how much some of these people were missed--or how glad loved ones were that they were still around.

We spent the rest of the night taking turns walking/jogging around the Orem Junior High shcool track lined on either side by luminaries decorated in honor of or in memory of cancer survivors and victims.

...and visible from almost any spot on the track was this simple sign in made in the chainlink fence with plastic cups and battery operated tealights...

...reminding all that there is hope for a normal healthy life, for better treatment and cures thanks to the collective efforts of many ordinary individuals...
...for those who have lost the battle with cancer there is hope for reunion with family and loved ones, for a perfected body and freedom from illness through the sacrifice of One.

Monday, June 2, 2008

MIA no more

So I know I've been MIA from the blog scene for a while and I apologize to all of you who expectantly visit here hoping for some new and wonderful post from your's truly. I am back now and I vow to do better at upholding the blogger values and performing my blogger duties i.e. blogging about my day-to-day thoughts and experiences regularly.

The past several weeks have been pretty eventful--erego the lack of time to blog. Last Monday was my birthday--I happened to be home for a visit during the weekend so we celebrated a little early. Boy did I get a great birthday haul! Feast your eyes on these awesome gifts:
For my Private Stock, a box of cereal (I don't know why it's Fiber One), a new crepe pan (excellent!) and the piece de resistance...a pink Hello Kitty Eiffel Tower-shaped toothbrush holder (I don't know where my dad finds these things (we actually call them Dad Gifts), but let's say birthdays are always interesting at the Geurts house because of them--we just never know what Dad will find next).

...and then, Friday night I got one of the best things anyone's ever given me...drumroll please...or maybe violins would be more appropriate...

...ooh! Sparkly! Isn't it pretty?! So, yes I am now engaged. And, no, we haven't set a date yet, but it will be sometime in the fall. We're just taking it slow for now and enjoying the engagement...plus we have to get Scott moved here from Texas on top of the planning so...one thing at a time. But it is pretty exciting isn't it? Pictures are forthcoming. I promise.